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Saturday Ride @ Los Burros/New County Grant

County Grant Award: The STBVF Board is pleased to announce the receipt of a $5,000 grant from Navajo County to assist us with Phase I of the Buena Vista Project. Special thanks go to Supervisors Daryl Seymore and Dawnafae Whitesinger from Districts IV and V respectively which made this possible. Also special thanks to STBVF's President, Todd Fernau, who worked with county officials to make it happen. This puts us in a better position to complete our projects which are currently underway.

Heritage Study Update: The Heritage Study is still underway. The Logan Simpson team was slowed down by all of the monsoon type activity that was going on last week and the fact that they are encountering more sites which need study than originally anticipated by the company or the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. Logan Simpson is coming back the week of June 5th we understand, and will be working with us to avoid sites of particular archeological interest and finish surveying some areas of the Buena they did not reach last week.

Board Update: STBVF held its annual meeting on Tuesday. Our present officers all agreed to serve another term and were reelected to the Board for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Our officers are Todd Fernau, President, Jason Moore, Vice-President, Dave Moore, Secretary, Amy Johnson, Treasurer, and Mischa Larisch.

Saturday Ride at Los Burros: Keeping things fresh and different, this week's group ride is going to be at Los Burros at 7:00 a.m. We'll meet at the Los Burros campground off the Vernon McNary Road. The trail is 13 miles long, more or less, and does include a shortcut option cutting that about in half if some folks want to do a little bit less. If you want more information on the trail or directions, please visit: Intermediate MTB skills are recommended. It will be a nice social medium-paced ride. Some come on out and have some fun!




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